Max Moshe Weinberg

1928 Born in Kassel, Germany 

1933 Escape to Palestine, Israel 

1959 Return to Germany

1959-2018 Lived and worked in Frankfurt, Germany

2018 Died in Frankfurt, Germany

2019 Max Weinberg Gallery is open in his memory in Frankfurt, Germany

Max Moshe Weinberg (1928-2018) was a German Jewish painter, graphic designerr and sculptor. He was one of the most significant artists of the City of Frankfurt and the State of Hessen. Well-known for the extra-terrestrial creatures which crowded his paintings, his trademark colour pink and his unique personality, his dead left a huge vacuum in the culture scene of “Mainhattan”…

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1954 -1958 State Academy for Culture and Art, Tel Aviv: Studies with Professor Mokady, Stimatzky and


1961-1963 Städelschule, State College for visual Arts, Frankfurt: Drawing studies with Professor Walter


Awards and Grants

1987 The International Senefelder Foundation Award for Lithography, Offenbach, Germany

1993 The Print graphic Award 1993 of the International Southwest LB, Germany 

1994 The Walter Schadt Award, Germany

2018 The Goetheplakette (Posthum) of the State of Frankfurt, Germany

Solo Exhibitions

1970 Museum for Ethnology “Malerei, Zeichnungen und Lithografien” (Paintings, Drawings and

          Lithography), Munich, Germany

1971 Gallery Vonderbank “Lithographien” (Lithography), Frankfurt, Germany

1973 Gallery Bookshop in Rue de la Seine “Lithographien” (Lithography), Paris, France

1974 Gallery Legge “Lithographien” (Lithography), Marburg, Germany

1980 Congress hall “Malerei und Zeichnungen” (Paintings and Drawings), Giessen, Germany

1982 Private Exhibition for Adam Seida (Art’s critic), Frankfurt, Germany

1985 Municipal Gallery Canvas House “Malerei und Zeichnungen” (Paintings and Drawings), Frankfurt,


1987 The International Senefelder Foundation Award for Lithography, Offenbach, Germany

1988 Museum for Foreign Relations (Jewish) – Riga, Latvia

1989 Country Representation of Essen, Bonn, Germany

1991  BBK – Essen “Landesausstellung `9” (National Exhibition ´91), Kassel and Frankfurt, Germany

1993 The LB Southwest International Award for Print graphic, Stuttgard and Mannheim, Germany

          Publication of a Catalogue

1994 Gallery Schamretta “The Walter Schadt Award”, Frankfurt, Germany

1995 Municipal Gallery Canvas House, Frankfurt, Germany

1996 Gallery Klonk-Tatort, “40 Erotische Variationen über das Gothelied” (40 Erotik variations of the

          Song of Salomon), Frankfurt, Germany

1997 Sculpture in Park, Oberursel, Germany

2003 Art Association Artlantis, Bad Homburg, Germany

2004 House of the Union Youth, Oberursel, Germany

2004 Kroch-House, Custody, Art Collection “Megafett”, Leipzig, Germany

2004 Gallery U7 “Kunst mit Max Weinberg” (Art with Max Weinberg), Frankfurt, Germany

2005 Contemporary Art at Meix Roblin, Burgundy, France 

2006 PDVSA Centro de Arte la Estancia (PDVSA, Venezuelan Oil Company), Caracas, Venezuela

2007 IMA, Frankfurt, Germany

2007 Culture barn “Max Weinberg”, Schöneck,Kilian Städten, Germany

          Opening from the Mayor Ludger Stüve   

2008 Platform Sarai “Max Weinberg 80 works on paper”, Frankfurt, Germany

2008 Gallery Hosenstall, Hamburg, Germany

2008 Museum for Modern Art “Atelier Tour for Udo Kittelmann”, Frankfurt, Germany 

2008 Exhibition Hall 1A Sachsenhausen “Spielraum der Phantasie. Retrospektive zum 80.

          Geburstag “ (Playground for the imagination. Retrospective for the 80th Birthday”, Frankfurt,


          Under the Patronage of the Ministry of Culture of Frankfurt and the Jewish Museum of


          Supported by the City of Frankfurt, The Foundation “Art Fund”, the Jewish Community of Frankfurt,

          the Josef Buchmann Real Estate Company, the “Foundation Memory Lindau”, the Frankfurter

          Sparkasse, the B`Nai Brith.

          Publication of a Catalogue

2009 Showroom Eulengasse “Max Weinberg – kleine Arbeiten aus der großen Stadt – Malerei/

          Mischtechnik” (Max Weinberg – small Works from the big City – Paintings, Mixed Techniques),

          Frankfurt, Germany

2010 Gallery Wagner “Max Weinberg”, Offenbach am Main, Germany

2010 Municipal Atelier House “Eklektiker – Atelierfest in der Ostparkstrasse 47-49” (Eclectic– Atelier

           party in Ostparkstrasse 47-49), Frankfurt, Germany  

2011 Gallery Golkan, Project Room at the Cure Park “Ludwig van Beethoven”, Bonn, Germany

          Supported by the Ministry of Culture of Frankfurt, the Law Firm Tunkl and Partner in Bonn

2012 Gallery Art by Gora “Überirdisch, Malerei udn Zeichnungen” (Extra-terrestial, Paintings and

          Drawings), Frankfurt, Germany

2012 Atelier Max Weinberg “Frankfurter Ateliertage 2012” (Atelier Open Day Frankfurt 2012), Frankfurt,


2013 Neozoongallery “Überirdisch“ (Extra terrestrial), Wiesbaden, Germany

2015 Art Association Offenbach “Kunst im komm – Max Weinberg” (Art to come – Max Weinberg),

          Offenbach am Main, Germany

          Supported by the Ministry of Science and Art of Hessen, the Cultural City Office of

          Offenbach am Main, the Bank for Science and Infrastructure of Hessen, the Konrad Häggle art-

          design Studio, the Science Promotion Office, Offenbach am Main.

2016 Denkbar “Max Weinberg – der Blick dahinter” (Max Weinberg – the Look behind), Presentation and

          Information on the Documentary, Frankfurt, Germany

2016 Switch Hall of the Ministry of Science and Art of Wiesbaden “Überirdisch”- Ausstellung Aktueller

          Arbeiten anlässlich des 88. Geburtstag von Max Weinberg (Extra terrestrial” Exhibition of Current

          Works in occasion of the 88th Birthday of Max Weinberg   

          Under the Patronage of Boris Rhein, Minister for Science and Art of Hessen, Wiesbaden, Germany

          Publication of a Catalogue

2017 State Gallery “Pretties in Pink” Bad Soden, Germany

2017 Underground Galerie “Max Weinberg”, Neu Isenburg, Germany

2017-2018 Lo Studio Büdingen “Max Weinberg”, Büdingen, Germany

           Under the Patronage of the Magistrate of the State of Büdingen.

           Birthday Party with Fireworks for the 90th Birthday

2018 Main Triangle, Chief Financial Directorate “Max Weinberg: Monumente und Meilensteine eines

          Künstlerlebens” (Max Weinberg: Monuments and Milestones of the life of an Artist), Frankfurt,


          Under the Patronage of Jürgen Roßbeg, Chief Financial Officer

Selected Group Exhibitions

1959 Artist House (Beit Hemlin) The Israel Painters & Sculptors Association “Exhibition Young

          Artists” – Tel Aviv/ Israel

1965 “Lithography”, Frankfurt, Germany

1970 Frankfurt Art Association “Paintings”, Frankfurt, Germany  

1972 Bodega Picasso “Lithography”, Barcelona, Spain   

1974 Gallery Christa Möring “Lithography”, Wiesbaden, Germany

1974 Frankfurt Art Association “Paintings”, Frankfurt, Germany  

1979 Church of St. Paul “Künstler in Hessen” (Artists in Essen), Frankfurt, Germany

1980 Church of St. Paul “Internationalen Malerei und Zeichnungen” (International Paintings and

          Drawings), Frankfurt, Germany

1982 Congress Hall Tel Aviv “Frankfurter Künstler und Malerei” (Frankfurt Artists and Paintings), Tel Aviv,


1982 BBK Hessen “Krieg &Frieden” (War and Peace)”, Kassel and Frankfurt, Germany

          Publication of a Catalogue

1984 “Künstler in Hessen stellen in Eriwan, Sowjetunion aus” (Artists in Hessen- Made in Yerevan, Soviet

           Union out”, Frankfurt, Germany 

1999 German Chamber of Commerce of Frankfurt “Zweihundert Jahre Goethe” (Two Hundred Years

          Goethe”, Frankfurt, Germany

2000 Sapporo International Print Biennale Exhibition, Sapporo, Japan

          Publication of a Catalogue

2000 “Skulpturen zur Expo 2000. 99 Standpunkte” (Sculptures to Expo 2000. 99 Standpoints”, Hannover,


2002 Berliner Art Project “Augen – Blick” (Eyes – Look), Berlin, Germany

2002 “Scultpures in Park”, Buchet Eifel, Germany

2003 Zauberberg, Kelkheim, Germany

2003 Monastery Press, Frankfurt, Germany

2004 International Fair “19 Show of Spring 2000” at the Lätzebuerger Artists Center, Kirchberg,


          Publication of a Catalogue

2004 Art Association Family Montez “Künstler für Kinderrechte” (Art for Kinder Rights), Frankfurt,


2004 DGB House, Bad Homburg, Germany

2006 Nunu-Kunst Haus, “Gruppenausstellung” (Group Exhibition), Sachsenhausen ,Frankfurt, Germany

2007 State Museum of St. Petersburg “Künstlerhaus Weinberg und Co.” (Art House Weinberg & Co.),    

          St. Petersburg, Russia

          Supported by the Ministry of Science and Art of Hessen, the Ministry of Culture of Frankfurt, the

          German Federal Foreign Office, the Jewish Community of Frankfurt, the Josef Buchmann

          Real Estate company, Michael Kroll, B`Nai Brith

          Publication of a Catalogue

2007 Ward Nasse Gallery “Paintings Made in Frankfurt am Main – Max Weinberg with Costa

          Bernstein”, New York, USA 

2007 Jewish Culture Week in the Jewish Community Center, Frankfurt, Germany

2007 Zauberberg “Erotik in der Kunst” (Erotism in Art), Kelkheim, Germany

2009 House of the History of the City “Gegenwelten” (Opposite worlds), Max Weinberg with Costa

          Bernstein and Martin Hakan Weigl, Offenbach am Main, Germany.

2009 Haussenstamm-Gallery, Museum shore Frankfurt, “Hot or not” Max Weinberg with Costa

          Bernstein, Frankfurt, Germany

2010 Municipal Atelier Haus “Eklektik-Atelierfest in der Ostparkstraße 47-49” (Eclectic– Atelierfest in

         Ostparkstrasse 47-49), Frankfurt, Germany 

2010 Gallus Theater  “Kunst + Theater”  (Art+Theatre)  – Frankfurt am Main

2011 Raum für Kunst, “Double Trouble”, with Jordan K. Artmaster, Frankfurt, Germany

2013 Kunst Werk Ost, “Movimet”, Frankfurt, Germany

2014 Schwalbe 54 “Double Trouble”, Max Weinberg, Jordan K. Artmaster, Frankfurt, Germany

2014 Kaiser & Cream Art District “Kunst: Überirdisch” (Art: Extra-terrestrial), Max Weinberg with Jordan

  1. Artmaster, Wiesbaden, Germany

2014 Gallery Ira Kitzk “Drei Welten Kunst” (Three Worlds of Art)  Max Weinberg, Shagané Nersesian,

           Niklas Fiedler, Frankfurt, Germany

2014 Gallery Liberamente “O-face”, Max Weinberg with Jordan K. Artmaster, Königstein, Germany

2014 Art Association Familie Montez “Die Neugier der Kinder zu entdecken, mit erwachsener Disziplin”

          (The Curiosity of the Children to discover with adult Discipline), Max Weinberg with Elizabeth

          Dorazio, Frankfurt, Germany

2015 Atelier Correia “Für eure blaue Tapeten” (For your blue carpets), Frankfurt, Germany

2016 KW46, “Klange, Kunst, Kultur” (Sound, Art, Culture)”, Bad Nauheim, Germany

2017 Art Association Bad Nauheim “Hinter Spiegeln” (Behind the Mirror), Max Weinberg, Bertram

          Schüler, Bad Nauheim, Germany

          Under the Patronage of the Magistrate of the State Bad Nauheim, Germany

Travelling Exhibition “Die Vernichtung der Juden – eine Auseinandersetzung” (The Destruction

of the Jews – a Confrontation), in collaboration with Barbara Greul Aschanta

1987 Börne Platz “Stationen des Vergessens eine Stellungnahe zum Börneplatzkonflikt” (Stations of the  

          Forgotten, a close to position of the Conflict of the Börne Place), Frankfurt, Germany

1990 Succession of the Church of Christ, Bonn, Germany

1990 Art Association, Bad Hersfeld, Germany

1990 Samaritann Church, Berlin, Germany

1990-1991 Memorial Buchenwald, Weimar, Germany

1991 Cross Church, Dresden, Germany

1992 Art Hall, Siegen, Germany

1995 Mahn and Memorial, Düsseldorf, Germany

1995-1996 Börne Gallery in the Museum of the Judengasse – Frankfurt

                     Adress: Georg Heuberger, Jewish Museum/Dr. Klaus Klemp, Ministry for   

                     Science and Art / Dr. Annette Baumeister, State Museum Düsseldorf

                     Publication of a Catalogue

1997 Evangelic Church, City Aachen, Germany

1998 The New Town Hall, Leipzig, Germany

2001 State Theatre, Darmstadt, Germany

2002 Ésch Theatre Gallery, Ésch, Luxemburg

          Under the Patronage of the Ministry of Culture, Higher Education and Research of Luxemburg   

          Supported by the Jewish Community of Ésch-sur-Alzette, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany,

          Heinrich Böll Foundation Berlin, Ministry for Science and Art of Frankfurt, Jewish Community of

          Frankfurt, Sparkassen and Giroverband Berlin.

2005 Hessen Ministry for Science and Art, Wiesbaden, Germany   

          Under the Patronage of Udo Corts, Hessen Minister for Science and Art

2007 Museum Old Town Hall, Langen, Germany 

2008 Sankt-Martins-Church, Kassel, Germany

          Introduction: Dr. Eva Schulz-Jander, Chairman of the Society for Christian-Jewish Collaboration of


         Address of Ester Hass, Chairman of the Jewish Community of Kassel and Mayor Thomas-Erik Junge.